About Innovator Founder visas

Entrepreneurs can come to Scotland to start new and innovative businesses. You can also study and do additional work while in the UK under this visa.

You’ll need to apply for an endorsement from a Home Office-approved endorsing body (gov.uk)

They’ll look at whether:

  • Your business has enough money
  • Your ideas are cutting-edge
  • Your business will create growth and jobs

They might invite you to pitch your unique and exciting business ideas to them.

If they like your business idea, they’ll give you an endorsement letter.

How to apply

You can apply online from outside the UK (gov.uk)

In some cases, you can apply to switch to an Innovator Founder visa from inside the UK (gov.uk)

You can apply to extend an Innovator Founder visa from inside the UK (gov.uk)

Who can apply for a visa

To apply, you need to:

Who is suitable for a visa

You need to be 'suitable' for an Innovator Founder visa.

The Home Office will look at:

  • Your character
  • If you have followed UK immigration rules in the past
  • Any criminal records

What you need to do for endorsement

You’ll need an endorsement from one of the following:

  • Envestors Limited
  • UK Endorsing Services
  • Innovator International
  • The Global Entrepreneurs Programme

You need to apply directly to one of these bodies for an endorsement. There’s a fee of £1000. If they like your business idea, they’ll give you an endorsement letter.

The letter must confirm:

  • You’re fit and proper to get an endorsement
  • There are no concerns about your funding
  • There’s a business plan you've played a part in
  • Your business plan is new and can be achieved

Normally, this letter is valid for three months. You must apply for an Innovator Founder visa in this time.

You’ll need to meet with your endorsing body regularly when you’re in the UK. Your visa could be cancelled if you don’t.


Partners and children can apply to join you in the UK if they meet the requirements. They can apply online (gov.uk)

A partner includes:

  • A spouse
  • A civil partner
  • An unmarried partner, if you’ve been in a relationship for at least two years

A child can be:

  • Under 18, or
  • Over 18 if they’re already in the UK as your dependant

You’ll need to pay extra fees for a partner or children, and evidence your family relationship. Read the requirements to bring your partner or children (gov.uk)

How much it costs to apply

There’s a fee of:

  • £1191 if you apply from outside the UK
  • £1486 if you apply from inside the UK
  • £1035 a year Immigration Health Surcharge to use the NHS

How long it takes to apply

Processing times are published online (gov.uk)

At the moment:

  • Applications from inside the UK are taking eight weeks
  • Applications from outside the UK are taking three weeks


Visas are usually granted for up to three years.

You can apply to extend an Innovator Founder visa if your meet the requirements.

You might also be able to switch to another visa if you meet the requirements.

After living in the UK for three years on an Innovator Founder visa, you might be able to apply for settlement (gov.uk)

If your application is unsuccessful, you cannot appeal. We recommend getting legal advice about applying for an administrative review or judicial review.

If you need advice on the Innovator Founder visa, including if your dependant family member can make an application to join you, book a free advice appointment with Seraphus

You and your dependant can access practical advice about moving to Scotland. We will explain the support available to you during your first appointment. 

Book a free advice appointment

If you need immigration advice to employ international workers or set up your business in Scotland, book a free appointment with an immigration lawyer at Seraphus.

Learn more

The content on this page is provided by immigration law firm Seraphus. Seraphus is fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Learn more about Seraphus

Moving to Scotland?

For advice and guidance about moving to, living in or working in Scotland, visit Scotland.org

Photo credit: Scottish Enterprise